spend what is left after saving.
The best time to save money is when we have some!
Wouldn’t it be great to have money left over when you do your monthly budget? You CAN make it happen! All you need to do is look carefully at your spending and make a few tweaks to your expenses to find areas where you can save. Here are loads of ideas to get you started…

Debt is expensive, costing much more in the long run than the original amount. Tackle the smallest debt first then, once you’ve killed it, add that payment to the amount you’re paying on the next debt.

If you’re not paying your credit card in full every month (just the minimum due) you are financing a very expensive habit. Credit cards make it so easy to spend money we don’t really have. Leave them at home or cut them up.

It’s sensible to keep a little cash handy at home, but otherwise only make cash withdrawals for the amount you need, when you need it. Try to use your own bank’s ATMs to avoid those small service fees that add up.
Plan ahead
Check your kitchen shelves to see what’s needed and always make a list. Then shop once a week for your meals. Less shopping means less spending. Planning means less waste.
Fresh foods
(vegetables, meat, dairy and breads) are usually positioned around the edges of the store. Processed and packed dry goods are in the middle. Plan your route so you avoid the middle where possible and just shop for the cheaper, healthier foods you really need.
Check the bottom shelves
More expensive branded products are usually packed in the middle to catch your eye first.
Check the bottom shelves
More expensive branded products are usually packed in the middle to catch your eye first.
Fresh foods
(vegetables, meat, dairy and breads) are usually positioned around the edges of the store. Processed and packed dry goods are in the middle. Plan your route so you avoid the middle where possible and just shop for the cheaper, healthier foods you really need.
Buy generic
Brand-name products usually cost more than generic (store brand) goods, but they do the same thing. This is not about your favourite jeans, we’re talking cleaning supplies and staple food items. All the little bits add up at the till.
Subscriptions and membershipsCan you work out in your building’s gym or go for a run? Cancel that expensive gym membership. Do you watch more than one TV screen at a time? No! Choose one favourite network subscription and cancel the others. Any others you don’t really need?
Don’t shop for entertainmentThis is especially tricky when we live with the some of the world’s most glamorous and exciting shopping malls! Resist temptation and have a shopping plan.
Learn to cookWe also have unbelievable choices when it comes to eating out in the UAE but, if saving is your goal, you should limit these to real treats and only when you can afford them. Instead, invite friends around for a relaxed evening with simple food, laughter and your warm hospitality.
Pack school and work lunchesYup, those takeout coffees and fast foods are quick and easy, but they add up to make a hefty dent in your monthly budget.
Use discount couponsSwitch on to the fantastic coupon and discount programmes in the UAE for big savings on dining out, family activities, travel, spa treatments and much more. This is also the land of super sales and special deals. Take advantage of them and only shop within your budget. Don’t let them take advantage of you!
Break bad habitsYou know what we’re talking about… smoking, junk food, fizzy drinks. They’re not good for you and they’re a waste of money.
Have free funFind hobbies and activities that don’t cost a thing.
Be more mindful of power and waterconsumption at home with these tips
- Wash your clothes on a low temp or cold water cycle, and only when you have a full load
- Take shorter showers
- Put your AC on a timer and maintain the temperature at 24°C. This is the most cost effective option in the UAE’s summer heat. According to DEWA, power charges are higher between 12pm and 6pm, so watch consumption during this time of day.
- Fix any dripping taps
- Install energy-saving LED lightbulbs
- Switch off lights
- Water your garden in the early morning or at night

and appliances
Cellphones, laptops and TV models improve so regularly now that it’s almost impossible to keep up. There is no need to keep on upgrading. Be patient and save to pay cash if you love to have the latest.

Look for pre-loved
Many people only stay in the UAE for a few years, so there are always good quality furniture, electronics and cars for sale. Shop around for second-hand goods online, via community social media channels.

Sell your stuff
You can also make extra cash by selling your unwanted goods in the same way. Someone else might love that painting you hate or jet ski you'll never use - and you will have cash in the bank!
Sensible saving doesn’t mean you have to cut all enjoyment out of life. Life is short and hard work deserves its rewards. But think about which luxuries are important to you and will truly enrich your life. Is it travel? Healthy organic food? Art or your garden? By spending more on experiences than on things, we often create memories that can last a lifetime.